Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Apart from OBML and Cameron, the rest of the 2 weeks of my holiday had seen me spending most of my time at home. The first thing I did was to reorganize and tidy up my room. Old and unusable stuff are thrown out, others are arranged neatly together according to what they are. It's surprising how much free space there is after the cleanup.

I moved on to my laptop next. There were so many unused files waiting for me to delete them. I have no idea why I keep them when I have no intention of using them at all. For instance, of all the songs I have had, I'd only like and listen to a few of them. But I'm not so hasty to delete the rest. All songs went through 'The Final Audition'. Nice? PASS! Otherwise, DELETE! After going through all that, I must have at least cleared more than 5GB of space in my hardisk.

Well... up to this point, I think that is the most productive part of my holiday. I didn't pursue some big goals like the previous holidays nor do I travel anywhere exclusively far. Yeah, I just need a break from this world's rat race. I'm tired of thinking how and why should I make every day a productive one. Being lazy and idle, without responsibilities or anything to worry about is indeed a privilege, although it won't last long for anybody. Like it or not, we have to be pulled back into the world's perpetual rat race eventually. So while I'm savouring this period of serenity, I have to keep in mind overindulgence won't do me good in the long run.

That said, I did spend time doing what I want. Time spent with my family is of course priceless. I did pick up my driving skills from where I left. With my Er Hu's absence, I did dust off my guitar and attempted to practise it again. Unbelievably, despite being a football noob that is in dire need of "Football for dummies" lessons, I did happen to watch a few matches, and I must admit they are interesting. No, I'm not transforming into a football zombie yet, far from it.

Holiday is over for me, back to business in UTP soon. To those who have still one month of holiday, treasure it! ~~Happy Holiday~~

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