Friday, January 07, 2011

The China trip-preview

Dear readers, I'm having my long semester break and the most exciting part of it has finally arrived. I'm going to China!!

Me and a few pals are visiting Beijing and Xi an, and after checking up on some of the landmarks designated in our tour programme, I must say we had a lot of adventure and exploring (no doubt plenty of walking) in store for us! Can't wait!

"Wait? Going to China at this time of the month? Are we insane? The temperature was cold enough for hell to freeze over!" Yeah, it's as if life is too boring and we want to end it in the coolest style possible, literally. I had echoed these similar thoughts long ago. But there's no turning back now. Rain or shine (unless a blizzard happens to hit), our China trip is on!

Look at all the negatives, no kidding it's going to be a subzero affair in China!

So these few days had seen me packing bulky supplies of winter wear and anything necessary to combat the cold. Heck, donned in all those layers of clothing, I think an elephant can roll over me and I'll survive without a dent. That's how drastic things are for first-timer like me.

And there's Facebook, and my beloved game Mousehunt, which I had to make do without for the whole week (no thanks to the Great Firewall of China). Well, I keep telling myself this moment would arrive sooner or later. I can't expect myself to have the privilege of Facebooking/Mousehunting everyday. So, gotta face it head on. :)

I'm going to end up like this, more or less. Image from Mousehunt.

Done with my packing, wishing myself a safe journey. Stay tune for my next update, that is, if my fingers have not frozen off!

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